Showing posts with label pumpkin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pumpkin. Show all posts

Thursday 11 October 2018

Pumpkin three ways ( part 1 )

October is already here and I have been busy baking and cooking with my favorite veg Pumpkin !!

I've got some lovely velvety soup that is protein rich, I've also got a pumpkin wholemeal bread full of goodness and I've got pumpkin granola. Yes, I am so excited about the granola, the taste is phenomenal and everyone adds a handful or two as a topping on their cereal …..  

Pumpkin and red lentil soup with zaatar croutons 

1 diced onion
1 diced carrot
2 cloves garlic
1 celery stick
400 gr pumpkin, butternut squash or any squash you can get, peeled and chopped into big chunks
2/3 cup red lentils 
6 cups of water
1 veggie stock cube 
for the zaatar croutons I used rye bread, cubed and seasoned with zaatar, splash of olive oil before oven bake for 10 min on high temp. 

In a large cooking pot splash some olive oil begore adding the veggies. Stir in the pumpkin, lentils as well as the water. 
Cook until the pumpkin is soft then add the stock cube.
Cool is down a bit before you blend it.
Add some black pepper and salt if needed.
Serve 6 or more.

Pumpkin wholemeal seeded bread

500 gr pumpkin 
100 gr pumpkin seeds
200 gr wholemeal flour
200 gr white flour
150 gr porridge oats
4 Tbsp oil
1 Tbsp ginger powder
1 Tbsp sugar
7 gr salt
7 gr active dry yeast

Cut the pumpkin into big wedges no need to peel and roast it in the oven for 40 - 60 min or until soft.
Spoon out the pumpkin flash and make a pure.
Set a side.
In a large mixing bowl place all dry ingredients ( reserve about 30 gr seeds for topping ) add 400 ml of lukewarm water . Mix it all up adding more water if needed. Knead the dough on floured surface adding the oil here and there.
Cover the dough and let it rest for 1 hour or so.
After that place the dough back on floured surface, fold it a few times and place it into a baking tin ( covered with baking paper ) of your choice, mine is 900 ml loaf tin.
Brush the dough with warm water and sprinkle the seeds.
Let it rest for 1 hour.
Bake for 50 - 55 min on 200 C .

Pumpkin granola

6 cups rolled oats
1 cup almonds
1/2 cup mixed seeds such as sunflower and pumpkin 
1 cup pumpkin pure
1/2 cup maple syrup 
2/3 cup coconut oil
2 tsp cinnamon 
1 tsp salt

In a large mixing bowl pour in the maple syrup, add the pumpkin pure and the soften coconut oil.
Stir all together and add the oats, nuts, seeds as well as the cinnamon and salt.
Mix it all making sure all the dry ingredients are covered with the pumpkin mixture.
Spread the mixture onto two baking trays and bake for 30 minutes on 180 C stir it half way through the baking.
The granola should be slightly colored and crisp.
Cool it down before you store in some glass jars.
Add some dry fruit if you like, I add some raisins !!
Delicious !! 

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Pumpkin garlic knots

I have published a recipe for garlic knots before but these garlic knots are even better. The dough is fragrant from the pumpkin + extra soft, almost melts in mouth. Perfect company for any pasta dish....


500 gr flour
1 pack of instant yeast
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp oil
150 gr pimpkin puree
200 ml liquid, mixture of water and milk
2-3 cloves of garlic
1 knob of butter, soft

Make the dough as you do for a bread  adding the pumpkin puree and leave it to rest for one hour, covered with a clingfilm .
In a meantime, mince the garlic with a little bit of salt and add it to the soft butter and finely chopped parsley. Set a side.
When the dough is ready, knead it on a floured surface once or twice.
Divide the dough into 12 peaces. 
Form a long sausage shape from each dough and make a knot straight away .
Place the knots into a large baking tray and bake them on 190 C for 20 minutes.
Take them out of the oven and spread the butter mixture while they are still warm.

Serve them hot.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Pumpkin Panettone my way

Panettone is a sweet bread originally from Italy. It is a festive bread usually consumed around Christmas.

 Panettone bread is enriched with dry fruit as well as candied , butter and some sort of alcohol liquor. The proving dough method is what gives this bread the special taste and texture. 

My panettone bread is very light in texture, it's got a lovely yellow colour, hint of rum as well as orange ...

Ingredients :

  • 500 gr white bread flour
  • 7 gr instant yeast
  • 1 egg
  • 100 gr very soft butter
  • 50 gr sugar
  • 200 gr pumpkin pure
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 -2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup of lukewarm water
  • 50 - 100 gr sultanas soaked in rum for 30 min

for the spread:

  • 50 gr sugar
  • 50 gr soft butter
  • 2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • orange zest 

First, make the dough: place the flour into a big mixing bowl, add the rest of the ingredients and form a dough.
Knead the dough on a floured worktop for ten minutes or so and place it back into the mixing bowl.
Cover it wit tea towel and leave it to prove for 1 1/2 hour.
Roll the dough with rolling pin into a rectangle shape, spread the mixture of sugar, butter, cinnamon and orange zest and roll the dough into a roulade .
Place the roulade into a buttered ring tin and make a few cuts at the top using a sharp knife.
Leave the dough to prove one more time covered with tea towel for about 40 - 50 minutes.
Bake on 190 C for 20 minutes + 20 more minutes on 170 C .
Cool it down before you slice it.  

Saturday 21 November 2015

Семкаст колач со тиква и сирење / Seedy and cheesy pumpkin cake

Hi folks, I am back! I haven't been anywhere, it's just I am so busy lately.  I cannot organize myself to do everything I want to do, 24 hours is not enough for me, that is my excuse anyway.

I am loving autumn food, pumpkin is one of my favorite veggies ever and I just love using it in cakes as well as in savories.  This cake is so lovely, moist, not too sweet and by adding a bit of cheese, it really brings up the taste of pumpkin.  The crunchy seeds on the top is what makes this cake so special !!

Потребни состојки:

200 гр путер
100 гр кафеав шеќер
1 јајце
200 гр пире од тиква*
1 ванила
250 гр брашно
1 лажичка сода 
1 лажичка пециво
малку сол
1 лажиче цимет во прав
1 лажиче морско оревче
200 гр младо сирење или несолена урда
40 гр шеќер во прав
1 јајце
ванилин екстрат
30 гр семки од сончоглед

Путерот се мати заедно со шеќерот, се додава јајцето и тиквата како и ванилата.
Додајте ги сувите состојки и 2-3 лажици топла вода.
Урдата изматете ја заедно со шеќерот и ванилата како и јајцето.
Премачкајте со путер правоаголен калап за печење со димензија 12х26 см , 
ставете половина од смесата од тиква, целата смеса од урда и одозгора додајте ја преостанатата смеса од тиква. 
Користејки вилушка, измешајте ги двете смеси на неколку места .
Посипете со семки од сончоглед и печете го колачот на 180 степени околу 40 минути.
Исечете го колачот откако ке се олади!

*исечена на парчиња и нелупена тиква се става во тава за печење, лушпата да е одозгора, се пече додека не омекне,50 минути на 190 степени. Со лажица изгребете ја меката тиква и испасирајте ја.


200 gr butter
100 gr brown sugar
1 egg
200 gr pumpkin puree* 
1 tbsp vanilla sugar or 1 tsp vanilla extract 
250 gr flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
1 tsp ground cinnamon 
1 tsp ground nutmeg 
250 gr quark cheese
40 gr icing sugar
1 egg 
1 tsp vanilla extract 
30 gr sunflower seeds

In a mixing bowl whisk the butter, sugar and vanilla, add the egg and pumpkin puree as well as all the dry ingredients. Add 2-3 tbsp of warm water and mix up well. 
In a separate bowl whisk the cheese with the egg,sugar and vanilla.
Butter a rectangle baking tray 12 x 26 cm and pour in half of the pumpkin mixture, spread the cheese mixture on the top and add the rest of the pumpkin mixture.
Make a few swirls using a fork.
Sprinkle the seeds and bake the cake on 180 C for 40 minutes.
Cool it down before you cut it!

* Place unpeeled pumpkin skin up in a baking tray and bake it on 190 C for 50 minutes until is soft. Spoon out the pumpkin and mash it.

Saturday 10 October 2015

Интегрални тортици со тиква / Wholemeal pumpkin cakes

No sugar? really? That was my kids reaction! They know what is good for them and I am so happy about it.
This cake batter can be used for small american style pancakes but I prefer this version as is less work and less smoky in the kitchen. I can't praise them enough, you've got to try them, of course you've got to love pumpkin taste, otherwise use apple sauce instead!

Потребно е :

3 јајца
70 мл масло
300 мл јогурт
150 гр пире од тиква
екстрат од ванила
пола лажиче цимет
220 гр интегрално брашно
2 лажички пециво
малку сол
60 мл вода

Измешајте ги сите мокри состојки, додајте ги сувите и измешајте убаво.
Ставете ја смесата во калап за мафини (намрсен со масло) и печете ги тортиците на 190 степени околу 20 минути.
Сервирајте ги исечени на пола со сецкана банана или друго овошје по желба.
За додаток користев јаворов сируп и мелено семе од чија.
Ако преферирате палачинки, пржете ги во тава по 2 минути од секоја страна.
Од оваа смеса се добиваат околу 18 палачинки (мали) или 12 тортици.


3 eggs
70 ml oil
300 ml yogurt
150 gr pumpkin pure
2 tsp vanilla extract 
1/2 tsp cinnamon 
220 gr wholemeal plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
little salt
60 ml water

Mix up the wet ingredients, add the dry ingredients and combine everything to get nice and smooth batter.
Divide the batter onto a muffin tin (oiled) and bake the cakes on 190 C for 20 minutes.
Serve them halved with some chopped banana and some maple syrup, sprinkle some ground chia seeds if you wish.
If you prefer pancakes, fry them for 2 minutes on each side.You should get about 18 small pancakes or 12 cakes.

Friday 19 June 2015

Интегрални лепиња со тиква / Wholemeal pumpkin rolls

Softest rolls ever !! I recently found this recipe on the net, love the sound of it , made few changes and here we are! The original recipe is from Jeka from Coolinarika and here is her recipe

Потребни состојки:

400 гр интегрално  брашно 
1 мала лажичка сув инстант квасец
150 гр пире од тиква
150 гр јогурт
3 лажици маслиново масло
малку сол
семки ( лен, сусам,ким )

Најпрво направете пире од тиква:
Печете или варете ја тиквата со лушпа додека не омекне, додека е топла, испасирајте.
Направете поголема количина, поделете ја во најлончиња по 150 гр во секое и замрзнете.
Во поголем сад ставете брашно, сол и квасец, додајте ја 
тиквата и јогуртот како и маслото.
Замесете меко тесто, месете го на побрашнета површина околу 10 минути, ставете
го во чист сад да се одмара околу 1 час.

Тестото поделете го на 8 парчиња и од секое парче обликувајте округли теста.
Ставете ги во обложен лим за печење и оставете ги да се кренат уште еднаш.
Премачкајте ги со малку млеко или вода и посипете ги со мешани семки.
Печете на 200 степени околу 15 минути.


400 gr wholemeal flour
1 tsp instant yeast 
150 gr pumpkin or butternut squash pure 
150 gr yogurt
3 tbsp olive oil
seeds ( flax, sesame, caraway )

First, prepare the pumpkin pure: cut and cook it in a little water until soft or roast it in the oven, while it's still warm, scoop it out and make a pure of it.
Make a big batch, divide the pure into several freezing bags (150 gr each ) freeze so you always have ready to use.
In a mixing bawl,put the flour, yeast and salt, add the pumpkin pure and yogurt as well as oil and make a soft dough. Kneed the dough on a floured surface for about 10 minutes.
Put the dough to rest in a clean bowl for 1 hour.

After that, put the dough back on the floured surface and make 8 ball shape rolls.
Place the rolls on baking tray, let them rest for 30 minutes, then brush them with little bit of milk or water and sprinkle some seeds.
Bake the rolls on 200 C for 15 minutes. 

Saturday 30 May 2015

Запечена тестенина со спанаќови гнезда / Pasta bake with spinach nests

I have been inspired today to cook this dish because it's weekend and everyone is home chilling out and I can ask my husband to peel the squash ( he is not happy about it ) which is something I hate doing it myself. The spinach nest addition came in a last minute as I realized that there isn't any broccoli in the fridge. Very nice, tasty and refreshing wholesome meal accomplished by green leaf salad and some garlic bread.... perfect family dinner...

Потребни состојки:

1 кромид
700 гр тиква
пола коцка за супа
маслиново масло
500 гр домати свежи или од конзерва
2 чешниња лук

400 гр интегрална тестенина
200 гр спанаќ
50 гр кашкавал 

Во длабок сад загрејте 2-3 лажици маслиново масло. Додајте го сецканиот кромидот и по неколку минути излупена и исечена на поголеми коцки, тиква.
Додајте 500 мл вода и пола коцка за супа.
Варете 15 минути или додека тиквата не омекне.

Во посебен сад ставете ги сецканите домати да се варат, додајте го лукот,лажица-две маслиново масло како и сол и бибер.
И на овој сос му треба 15 - 20 минути да се свари.
Оладете ги малку сосовите и изблендирајте ги во електричен блендер.
Сварете ја тестенината al dente  .
Спанаќот попарете го со вруќа вода и изцедете го веднаш.
Во огноотпорен сад ставете ја варената тестенина, додајте го сосот, ставете го спанаќот во облик на гнезда, посолете го и побиберите го секое гнездо и наредете тенко-сечен кашкавал.Напрскајте ги гнездата со маслиново масло.
Печете 20 минути на 180 степени.


1  onion
700 gr pumpkin or butternut squash 
half a stock cube
olive oil
500 gr tomatoes, chopped  (fresh or caned )
2 cloves of garlic
salt and pepper

400 gr wholemeal pasta 
200 gr spinach
50 gr cheese

In a deep pot pour in 2-3 tbsp olive oil and add the chopped onion.
After few minutes add the squash (peeled and cubed) and 500 ml water with the stock cube.
Cook it for 15 minutes or until the squash is soft.
For the other sauce, place the tomatoes in a pot, add the chopped garlic,splash of olive oil as well as salt and pepper.
It will take 15-20 minutes to get ready.
Cool down both sauces before you blend them in a electric blender.
Cook the pasta al dente.
Put the spinach in a separate pot,pour over some boiling water and drain it straight away.
In a ovenproof dish pour in the sauce, add the cooked pasta, mix it all up and place the spinach on the top in a shape of nests.
Season each nest with salt and pepper.
Sprinkle some chopped cheese at the top and spray the spinach nests with olive oil.
Bake for 20 min on 180 C