Showing posts with label nut butter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nut butter. Show all posts

Friday 5 February 2016

Рајски путер од лешници /Heavenly hazelnut butter

I am in love with nut butter, I eat it on toast, I add it in my smoothies and I use it in my baking.
This recipe is my version although it's adopted from my favorite cook book called A modern way to cook by Anna Jones. 
It is so easy and quick to make, I  think I am going to stop buying nut butter from shops.
I have been doubtful to make it because in every recipe says - you will need a powerful food processor such as ......and it is good investment to buy it..... however, I made my nut butter in a small blender that I purchased for £20 in my local supermarket!  

Потребни состојки:

300 гр лешници, сирови 
2 лажици сладило по желба, мед или јаворов сируп
( јас додадов 1 лажица сируп од урми )
2 лажици кокосово масло или какво имате
100 - 150 мл вода
цимет, какао или ванила по желба 

Ставете ги сировите лешници во блендер или млин за кафе.
Блендирајте 30 секунди, извадете го капакот, промешајте ги лешниците и повторете ја постапката .
Во мелените лешници додајте ги преостанатите состојки и половина од водата.
Блендирајте повторно и додајте вода по желба.
Путерот чувајте го во стерилизирана тегла во фрижидер.


300 gr raw shelled hazelnuts 
2 Tbsp honey or maple syrup 
( I used 1 Tbsp date nectar )
2 Tbsp coconut oil 
100 - 150 ml water
cinnamon, cocoa powder or vanilla paste ( optional )

Place the nuts into a blender, I used the grinder blade.
Blend for 30 seconds, open the lid, scrape down the sides and repeat the blending.
Once the nuts begin to form a paste, add the rest of the ingredients and half the water.
Blend until you have a smooth butter, add the water if you wish.
Spoon the butter into sterilised jar and keep it in the fridge. 

Thanks for reading! I would appreciate any comments or suggestions from you! 

Thursday 24 December 2015

Healthy snacks

Just a quick post before Christmas, here are two of my favorite snacks that keeps my sugar craving under control. I was so amazed when I tried the combo green apple and nut butter AND THEN I  tried medjool date stuffed with nut butter and it's soooooo good folks it blows your mind.Medjool dates do contain sugar but they don't produce such a blood -sugar high when you eat them as the fibre in them slows all down. Rich in selenium, copper, B vitamins and antioxidant medjool dates don't come cheep but they worth every penny!

You will need:

medjool dates
green apple
nut butter such as peanut or almond butter

Take the pit out of the dates and stuff them with 1 tsp of nut butter


slice a green apple and make a sandwiches using your favorite nut butter!

Delicious and nutritious !