Showing posts with label gluten free. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gluten free. Show all posts

Friday 20 January 2017

pms energy balls

This January is sugar free and sweet taste free for me, I just like to challenge myself and detox from sugar at the same time. It's been 3 weeks since I've started and I knew it's coming - chocolate craving around `that` time of the month. So, I made this energy balls, full of good fats, magnesium from the cacao and rich in protein and it seems to me that they do the trick . The bad new is everyone else in the family likes them....


8 Tbsp ground almonds
4 Tbsp mixed seeds ( I like sunflower and sesame seeds )
2 Tbsp cacao powder
4 Tbsp peanut butter ( I like good earth )
2 tsp ground cinnamon 
2 Tbsp ground flax seeds
2 Tbsp maple syrup ( optional )
80 -100 ml warm water
desiccated coconut for coating 

Place all ingredients in a food processor and blend until smooth.
Roll into balls smaller then a walnut and coat them with coconut. 
You should aim to get around 20 balls.
Keep them in fridge for up to 7 days.

note: in case you are wondering what food I am avoiding, here is a list:
all dry fruit
food from jars

what I eat:
cooked meals loaded with whole grains and pulses
lots of vegetables
full fat yogurt but small amount
cheese also small amount 
green apple 
home made bread

*note: I am never hungry and I don't loose weight, however, my skin glows, I am full of beans and I sleep like a baby...zzzzzzzzz

Thanks for reading! I would appreciate any comments or suggestions from you.

Thursday 12 January 2017

Leek and kale with dippy eggs

This is a perfect meal to recharge your body after exercise.
Adding some yogurt and wholegrain mustard  makes it extra yummy, the taste is a bit sour-ish but also sweet from the leek....


1 large leek, trimmed and sliced 
150 gr kale
olive oil
3 Tbsp natural yogurt 
1 to 2 tsp wholegrain mustard from jar 
4 eggs

Heat a big frying pan suitable for grill as well.
Add splash of oil, followed by the leek.
Saute the leek until soften, then add the kale, splash of water and put the lid on for 6-7 minutes or until the kale is almost cooked.
Stir in the yogurt and the mustard and simmer for a minute or two.
Make 4 hollows in the kale mixture and crack the eggs into.
Cook for 1 minute without any stirring and then put the pan under the pre-heated grill .
Grill everything for 3-4 minutes, make sure the egg yolks are still runny.
Sprinkle some salt, pepper and chopped parsley.
Serve immediately and enjoy! 

Thanks for reading! I would appreciate any comments or suggestions from you.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Protein rich muffins with quinoa and broccoli

I made these little beauties today for Sunday brunch, everyone was home and hungry. The weather was stormy (you already know this if you live in England) and I must say the treats vanished in a second....
In an ideal world you would have a few left over so you can pack them for lunch the next day, as they are even more yummy eaten cold. However, in my world, I have to bake a second batch for tomorrow's packed lunches or mid afternoon snack. I should say that you can use any cooked grain, any cooked vegetables or cheese of your choice!
You can be adventures and add some chopped spring onion or even sun dried tomatoes..... It's entirely up to you ...
Mine are quite simple but still very tasty with a hint of garlic and dried oregano...❤

I use those baking cups 


for 6 large muffins

2 eggs
80 gr freshly grated parmesan cheese
1 small head of cooked broccoli florets 
90 gr dry quinoa, I used white, red and black
1/4 tsp garlic powder
a pinch of oregano

Rinse the quinoa under a cold water, then place it in a medium size of cooking pot . Add about 300 ml water and cook it for a 20 minutes.
Five minutes before the time is up, add the broccoli.
Drain off any excess water.Whisk the eggs, add the cheese and the rest of the ingredients as well as the cooled mixture of broccoli and quinoa.
Using a spoon or a scoop fill the baking cups if you are using it or you can use any muffin tin , just make sure in non stick one.
Bake for 25 minutes on 190 C .

Thanks for reading! I would appreciate any comments or suggestions from you.

Monday 2 May 2016

Gluten-free breads / loaf with sweet potato

Best gluten free bread recipe ever. This is my twist - by adding olives, sun dried tomatoes and spring onion makes this bread tasty and delicious. By also adding sesame seeds gives a nice crunch and extra nutritional value.
I have repeatedly baked this bread successfully which means all the family were happy until they realised that it also contained olives! By baking it in muffin tin you can add olives to half the breads and leave the rest without. Job done, everyone is happy! 


2 medium size sweet potato
60 ml oil
170 gr gluten-free flour ( I used rice flour)
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs
2 chopped spring onions
chopped 3-4 sun dried tomatoes
few olives

Peel and cut into cubes the sweet potato.
Steam it for 15 minutes or until is very soft.
Set a side to cool down.
Mash it together with the oil, the eggs, previously whisked and add the flour together with the baking powder.
Add the veggies if you wish as well as the sesame seeds.
Bake it in a loaf tin or in a muffin tin for 20 - 25 minutes on 190 C

Sunday 24 April 2016

Плочки со моркови / Flat carrot cake

Carrot cake made quick and easy, every time I bake it.  I use different dry fruits, seeds and flavours.  Sometimes I add the zest of a orange or lemon or I will use olive oil and a courgette - it all depends what I have in my fridge. What ever I use these carrot bars are super tasty and we all have them for a healthy snack any time in the day!

потребно е:

4 лажици мелено ленено семе
50 мл масло, користам кокосово стопено 
200 гр мелени овесни снегулки или брашно по желба
150 гр суво овошје
1 поголем морков
1 јаболко
50 гр кокос
50 гр семки од сончоглед
4 лажици јаворов сируп или мед
1 мало лажиче екстрат од ванила
пола лажиче цимет

Меленото ленено семе се попарува со 8 лажици вруќа вода.
Морковот и јаболкото се лупат.
Сите состојки се мешаат заедно.
Смесата се става во правоаголен сад со величина 20x30 см.
Се пече околу 35 - 40 минути на 190 степени.
Откако колачот е печен, оладете го и исечете го на плочки.


4 Tbsp flax seeds
50 ml oil, I used coconut oil, melted
200 gr ground porridge oats
150 gr dried fruit, chopped
1 big carrot
1 apple
50 gr desiccated coconut 
50 gr sunflower seeds
4 Tbsp maple syrup or honey
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp cinnamon 

Soak the flax seeds in 8 Tbsp hot water.
Grate the carrot and the apple
Mix all the ingredients. 
Place in a baking tray size 20 x 30 cm
Bake on 190 C for 35 - 40 minutes.
After the cake is baked, cool it down before you cut it . 

Sunday 21 February 2016

Домашен чипс / Home-made crisps

Be aware, they will vanish in a minute and that is just the adults! If you tell the children what vegetable it is, there is a chance one of them to turn their nose up! Which means more for you.
Seriously folks, they are made in heaven, so tasty and only three ingredients! 


Потребни состојки:

масло во спреј

Со ноже за лупење компири лупете го пашканатот да добиете тенки ленти.
Посолете ги и попрскајте со масло во спреј.
Ставете ги во тава за печење обложена со хартија за печење и печете ги на 180 степени додека не добијат златна боја.


oil spray 

Using a potato peeler, make a long strips by peeling the parsnip over and over again.
Sprinkle some salt and spray with some oil.
Bake in the oven on 180 C until the parsnips get a nice golden colour.

Thanks for reading! I would appreciate any comments or suggestions from you.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Здрави грицки за цела недела / Healthy snacks for whole week

It's true, they do last for a week as long as you don't snack a lot. Fantastic for dipping into hummus or simply nibble them as you wish. Lunchbox fillers, instant after school snack or walking in the park snack instead of crisps - they are perfect.
Recipe adapted from Anna Jones !!

Потребни состојки:

100 гр семки од сончоглед
100 гр семки од тиква
100 гр сусам
50 гр чија или ленено семе ( обавезно мелени )
200 гр овесни снегулки 
1 лажиче сол
3 лажици маслиново масло
350 мл вода
по желба се додава ким и чурокот ( црн сусам )

Семките малку испечете ги во сува тава.
Овесните снегулки по желба се мелат а и не мора.
Сите состојки се мешаат во поголема здела и се додава водата малку по малку. 
Поделете ја смесата на 2 дела, секој дел се развлекува со сукало помеѓу 2 парчиња хартија за печење и веднаш се става во рамна тепсија. 
Одстранете ја горната хартија и печете 20 - 25 минути на 190 степени.
Повторете ја постапката и со второто тесто.
Ке добиете 2 тврди кори, оладете ги пред да ги искршите на неправилни парчиња.
Чувајте ги во убаво затворена кутија за пецива.


100 gr sunflower seeds
100 gr pumpkin seeds 
100 gr sesame seeds 
50 gr chia or flax seeds ( grounded )
200 gr oats for porridge, grounded if you wish 
1 tsp salt
3 Tbsp olive oil
up to 350 ml water
extra adding can be a caraway and nigella seeds

Toast the seeds in non stick frying pan until they get a light golden colour.
Mix up all the ingredients, add the water gradually and make a dough.
Divide the dough into two.
Place each dough between two sheets of baking paper and roll it thin using a rolling pin.
Place it onto a baking tray, remove the upper baking sheet and bake it for 20 - 25 minutes on 190 C .
Repeat the same method with the rest of the dough.
You will get a two huge crispy and flat crackers, cool them down before you brake them into a irregular shapes. 

note: oats are naturally gluten free but if you are gluten intolerant you better get a oats that are packed in gluten free environment.

Thanks for reading! I would appreciate any comments or suggestions from you.

Friday 5 February 2016

Рајски путер од лешници /Heavenly hazelnut butter

I am in love with nut butter, I eat it on toast, I add it in my smoothies and I use it in my baking.
This recipe is my version although it's adopted from my favorite cook book called A modern way to cook by Anna Jones. 
It is so easy and quick to make, I  think I am going to stop buying nut butter from shops.
I have been doubtful to make it because in every recipe says - you will need a powerful food processor such as ......and it is good investment to buy it..... however, I made my nut butter in a small blender that I purchased for £20 in my local supermarket!  

Потребни состојки:

300 гр лешници, сирови 
2 лажици сладило по желба, мед или јаворов сируп
( јас додадов 1 лажица сируп од урми )
2 лажици кокосово масло или какво имате
100 - 150 мл вода
цимет, какао или ванила по желба 

Ставете ги сировите лешници во блендер или млин за кафе.
Блендирајте 30 секунди, извадете го капакот, промешајте ги лешниците и повторете ја постапката .
Во мелените лешници додајте ги преостанатите состојки и половина од водата.
Блендирајте повторно и додајте вода по желба.
Путерот чувајте го во стерилизирана тегла во фрижидер.


300 gr raw shelled hazelnuts 
2 Tbsp honey or maple syrup 
( I used 1 Tbsp date nectar )
2 Tbsp coconut oil 
100 - 150 ml water
cinnamon, cocoa powder or vanilla paste ( optional )

Place the nuts into a blender, I used the grinder blade.
Blend for 30 seconds, open the lid, scrape down the sides and repeat the blending.
Once the nuts begin to form a paste, add the rest of the ingredients and half the water.
Blend until you have a smooth butter, add the water if you wish.
Spoon the butter into sterilised jar and keep it in the fridge. 

Thanks for reading! I would appreciate any comments or suggestions from you! 

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Avocado and carrot rolls

Healthy shack never been easier. Simple to put together, great appetizers and good for you.
Place them on your table and watch them disappear! 


1 avocado
1 - 2 carrots 

Use a potato peeler, peel long pieces of carrot.
Chop the avocado into cubes and fill the carrot strips with avocado.

You can also try different combo, cucumber with avocado, carrot and hummus, cucumber with carrot cubes or carrot with green celery pieces.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Шпагети од слануток и лен / Flaxseed and chickpea spaghetti

This two ingredients pasta is totally amazing. It's vegan, it's gluten free, it's cheap, it's very quick to make, it's good for you, it's bonkers!!!

Потребно е:

2 супени лажици мелено семе од лен
6 лажици вруќа вода
240 гр брашно од слануток

Ставете го лененото семе во здела, прелијте со вруќа вода и оставете ја смесата да се олади.
Брашното ставете го во подлабок сад, додајте ја смесата од семки ( треба да е густа и да наликува на гел) и замесете тврдо тесто.
Оставете го тестото 15 минути на собна температура замотано во пластична фолија а потоа поделете го на 3 еднакви дел.
Секој дел развлечете го со сукалка а потоа на машина за јуфки.
Оваа постапка може да се обработи рачно, во тој случај, сукајте ги корите со сукало да бидат тенки а потоа исечете ги со нож во облик по желба.
Шпагетите веднаш се варат во посолена вода или се сушат во сува и чиста просторија постелени на чиста крпа.


2 Tbsp ground flaxseeds 
6 Tbsp 6 warm water
240 gr chickpea flour

Place the flaxseeds into a small bowl and pour over the water.
Let it stand until its cool.
The mixture should be jelly like texture.
Place the flour into a mixing bowl, add the seed texture and make a dough.
Wrap the dough into a cling film and leave it to rest for 15 minutes on room temperature. 
After that, divide the dough into three.
Roll each dough with a roller pin or using a pasta machine.
Cut the pasta with knife or use the spaghetti setting on your machine.
Cook the spaghetti in plenty of salty water and serve it with your favorite sauce. 
You can also dry the pasta in a dry and clean room, spread over a clean tea towel.

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Леблебија со тиквици / Chickpeas with courgettes

I am totally addicted to chickpeas and courgettes and I will tell you why. It is so quick to prepare, it's tasty, it's nutritious specially if you use freshly cooked chickpeas, it's just yummy...
I have discovered this combination ages ago from a site called coolinarika and as far as I remember it was from monsoon's recipes. Thank you Mrs.Demo, I haven't changed anything but sometimes I add garlic in it for more flavour.   

Потребни состојки:
(4 особи)

2-3 зелени тиквици
300 - 400 гр варена леблебија*
лук по желба

На крупно ренде изрендајте ги тиквиците, нелупени.
Ставете ги во поголема тава, додајте 2 - 3 лажици масло и пржете ги 5 минути, додајте ја варената леблебија, сол,бибер и ситно сецкан лук.
Мешајте 2 - 3 минути да се измешаат убаво состојките.

*Леблебијата ставете ја во ладна вода, додајте 1 лажица сода бикарбона на 500 гр леблебија.
За само неколку сата леблебијата ке набубри, убаво измијте ја под млаз вода и ставете ја да се вари.
Леблебијата бргу ке се свари приготвена  на овој начин.
Чувајте ја во фрижидер во водата до 3 дена.

( serve 4 )

2 -3 green courgettes 
300 - 400 gr cooked chickpeas*
garlic, optional

Grate the unpeeled courgettes and place them in a big frying pan.
Cook them for a 5 minutes before adding the chickpeas, salt, pepper and minced garlic if you are using.
Stir all together for 2-3 minutes to combine all the flavours together. 

*Put the chickpeas in a pan,cover it with cold water and add 1 tbsp of soda bicarbonate for 500 gr dry chickpeas.
In only few hours the chickpeas will be ready to be cooked, simply wash it under running water, place it back in a cooking pot, covered with fresh cold water.
Chickpeas gets cooked quickly prepared this way.
Keep  the cooked chickpeas in their water in the fridge for 3 days.
Make your self falafels, humus, salads or repeat this meal every day...until...

Monday 29 June 2015

Палента со печурка / Polenta with mushroom

Summer is finely here in south east England! This is one of my favorite light meals, cooked in a few minutes, it's vegan and it's gluten free as well as tasty and wholesome! 

Потребни состојки:
( за 2 особи )

100 гр инстант палента
400 мл вода или 450 ако ја сакате покашаста
маслиново масло
свежи големи печурки, може и мали

Во подлабок сад ставете ги печурките цели, додајте малку сол и лажица-две маслиново масло или путер.
Динстајте ги на тивко покриени со капак околу 10 минути.
Во меѓувреме сварете ја палентата: 
Во подлабок сад ставете вода, пред да зоврие додајте ја палентата и варете ја кратко мешајки цело време.
Сервирајте ја со печурките одозгора, посолите и попаприте и додајте маслиново масло како и сокот од печурките.
Посипете сецкан магдонос.
Салата по желба.

( for 2 people )

100 gr instant polenta 
400 ml water or 450 ml if you like it to be more runny 
salt, pepper98
olive oil
big mushrooms such as portobello or any mushrooms will do

Place the mushrooms into a pan, season with salt, pour some oil or butter if you like and cook them for 10 minutes with lid on.
In a meantime put the water in a pot for the polenta.
Before the water bubbles pour in polenta and stir it all the time for a very few minutes.
Serve it warm with the mushrooms on the top, pour over the liquid from the mushrooms and some olive oil.
Season with salt and pepper.
Sprinkle some chopped parsley.
Serve it with salad.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Пире од модар патлиџан со ориз и леќа / Mashed aubergine with rice and lentils

Once in a week I cook  big batch of brown rice and lentils so I always have quick lunch. I am usually mixing it up with raw veggies for salad us a lunch or I put more effort ( like I  did today) for dinner. It's amazing how adventurous it can be a bowl of rice ..

Потребни состојки:

1 чаша од 250 мл интегрален ориз
пола чаша зелена леќа
1 модар патлиџан
маслиново масло
мокови и брокула
цврст јогурт
1  домат или неколку мали домати
сол и бибер

Најпрво измијте го оризот заедно со леќата под млаз ладна вода.
Во подлабок сад загрејте 2 лажици маслиново масло, додајте ги оризот и леќата, промешајте па додајте 3 - 4 чаши топла вода.
Варете на тивко со капак околу 45 минути.
На крај посолете.
Во меѓувреме испечете го модриот: прободете го со вилушка на неколку места и ставете го во загреана рерна на 220 степени, печете го околу 30 минути или додека не омекне.
Додека е вруќ, пресечете го по  должина и со лажица одвојте го ‚месото‘ и веднаш ставете го да се цеди.
Обарете го зеленчукот на пареа.
Пасирајте го модриот со вилушка,додајте му сол и бибер и малку маслиново масло како и ситно сецкани домати.
Сервирајте со лажица - две јогурт или павлака.
Наросете сецкан магдонос!


1 cup brown rice
half a cup of green lentils
1 aubergine
olive oil
carrots and broccoli 
thick yogurt
salt and pepper

Wash the rice and lentils under cold water.In a big pot heat up 2 tbsp of olive oil, add the rice and lentils, stir up and add 3 - 4 cups of hot water.
Put the lid on and cook it on a low temperature for about 45 minutes.
In a meantime roast or grill the aubergine, I prick mine with fork and I roast it in a hot oven (220 C ) for 30 minutes.
While it's still hot, cut the skin and spoon the "meat" off. Drain in a colander.
Mash it up, add some salt and pepper, olive oil and chopped tomato.
Steam or boil the veggies.
Serve it up with dollop of yogurt and lots of parsley.
Enjoy !

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Прженки од кромид / Onion bhajis

The recipe is inspired from my very first cookery book I have purchased long time ago, it's called  "Britain's favorite food" and it's got recipes from around the world. I love making this bhajis, I also love eating them accomplished with any curry. I must say that I also like the shop-bought one's but I often find them very greasy and heavy to eat.I love this version, they are light, they are cheap to make, they are homemade!

Потребни состојки:

200 гр брашно од слануток
1 јајце
240 мл ладна вода
по 1 мала лажичка куркума, чили, коријандер и кумин
2 големи главици кромид
сол и бибер
масло за пржење 

Во поголема здела ставете го брашното,додајте го јајцето и мешајки додајте ја и водата.
Ставете ги зачините, покријте за зделата со најлонска фолија и оставете да одмори 20 минути.
Потоа додајте го ситно исецканиот кромид и магдонос како и сол и бибер.
Оставете ја смесата да одмори десетина минути.
Загрејте масло во тава за пржење и со супена лажица ставајте од смесата во вруќото масло, пржете ги на средна температура додека не добијат златна боја.
Веднаш исцедете ги на кујнска хартија.
Сервирајте ги топли!


200 gr chickpea flour
1 egg
240 ml gold water
1 tsp each of turmeric, chili powder, coriander and cumin
2 large onions

Place the flour in a large bowl and add the egg.
Gradually mix in the water as well as the spices.
Cover with clingfilm and leave to stand for 20 minutes.
After that add the chopped onions and parsley as well as salt and pepper. 
Using a tablespoon, drop the batter into a hot oil and fry them on medium heat until they get nice and golden color.
Drain them on kitchen paper and serve them warm!