Showing posts with label beetroot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beetroot. Show all posts

Monday 30 November 2015

Колач со цвекло и семки / Beetroot and seed cake

I've tried this cake in my local church at a cake sale that is happening once in the month.  I am happy to be there to support my local church whenever I can.  The look of this cake made me order a slice despite the very good selection (my daughter went for the classic Victoria sponge) which I am sure was just as nice by the look of her face.  I finished my slice of cake and turned around to look for the ladies that bake all the cakes.  One of them was there but very busy, so I just quickly went closer to her and asked did she baked that particular cake because I want the recipe.  She answered quickly - Nigel Slater, beetroot and seed cake -  and carried on with her job.  I love Nigel as a cook, I have baked the cake the very next day and many times after that, I am still enjoying it like the very first time! 

Потребни состојки:

225 гр брашно
пола лажиче сода
2 лажички пециво
пола лажиче цимет
180 мл сончогледово масло или по желба
150 гр кафеав шеќер
3 јајца
150 гр рендано сирово цвекло
сок од пола лимон
70 гр суво грозје
70 гр печени секми ( сончогледови, тиквени, ленени )
прелив: 8 лажици шеќер во прав
сок од лимон 
калап за печење со димензии 20 х 9 см 

Во сад за матење ставете го шеќерот, маслото и 3 жолчки. Матете ги со миксер.
Посебно изматете ги белките.
Ставете ги сите суви состојки во смесата со жолчки, додајте го сувото овошје и ренданото цвекло како и семките и сокот од лимон.
На крај додајте ги матените белки.
Смесата ставете ја во намрсен калап за печење и печете  на 180 степени околу 50 минути.
Оладете го колачот и прелијте го со преливот од лимон и шеќер и веднаш посипете со мак.


225 gr flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
180 ml oil
150 gr brown sugar
3 eggs
150 gr raw beetroot, grated
juice of half lemon
70 gr raisins
70 gr roasted seeds ( sunflower, pumpkin, flax )
Icing: 8 tbsp icing sugar
lemon juice
poppy seeds
cake tin 20 x 9 cm

Beat the sugar, oil and 3 yolks in a mixing bowl using an electric mixer.
Whisk the whites separate until stiff.
Add all the ingredients in the yolk mixture and mix everything until nice and smooth, in the end fold in the whites.
Spoon the cake mixture into the cake tin, buttered, and bake it on 180 C for around 50 minutes.
Cool it before you pour the icing on the top.
Sprinkle some poppy seeds.